It is far to easy to get sucked into politics! There is something to the pull of possible institutional change to protect the lives of the unborn, promote social justice, stand up for marriage and taking care of the “least of these”. But our hope is not in government or governance.
When I read the papers today there are several back page articles about the religious right and how church people voted. One gets the idea that influencing government is the main focus of religious voters—and I hear no Christians correcting the line of thinking.
Jesus is our focus. Jesus is what is most important. Jesus is our hope. Jesus is our joy. Jesus is our main priority, the key thought on our minds, that main point of our conversation, the receiver of our devotion. Jesus is the direction of our energy because only Jesus can truly influence people—not government.
Why is this such a novel concept? Why is the religious right know by being anti-gay marriage and pro-life and not known by JESUS?!?