Referring to Romans 4.1-5, & 17 Andrew Murray says the following:
Justification comes at the commencement full and complete, as the eye of faith is fixed upon Christ. But that is only the beginning. Gradually the believer begins to understand that he was at the same time born again, that he has Christ in him, and that his calling is now to abide in Christ, and let Christ abide and live and work in him.
Most Christians strive by holding fast their faith in justification to stir and strengthen themselves for a life for a life of gratitude and obedience. But they fail sadly because they do not know, do not in full faith yield themselves to Christ, to maintain His life in them. They have learned from Abraham the first lesson, to believe in God Who justifies the ungodly. But they have not gone on to the second great lesson, to believe in God Who quickeneth the dead, and daily renews that life through Christ, who believes in them, and in Whose life alone there is strength and fullness of blessing. The Christian life must be "from faith to faith." The grace of pardon is but the beginning; growing in grace leads on to the fuller insight and experience of what it is to be in Christ, to live in Him, and to grow up in Him in all things as the Head.