Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tenacious Faith

Tenacious faith I know and yet begrudge.
I'd like a faith of ecstasy and cheer,
Or even faith of penitence and fear
Of God, the omnipresent Father-Judge.
Easy faith, happy faith—a call,
A gift? Why not mine? My walk is fretful
Fumble-feeling, wander-wondering, wishful
Stumble-striving for that plane where Paul
(And others) seem to live ebulliently.
He (and they) feel sure that neither life,
Nor death, nor angels, no, not this world rife
With powers may undo capriciously.

Increase my faith, my Lord (I do believe).

Send rain to this dry land: revive, relieve!

Jeffrey Arthurs

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