Thursday, November 12, 2009

God Sightings (in our daily life) which Corroborate God’s Character as Revealed Scripture

Regarding hessed in Isaiah 63.7-11—"He is a God of unfailing kindness, grace, mercy, and love. Circumstances may change; our rebellions may even make Him our enemy. But the hessed of God never changes; and when we recount all that God has done in our experience, it will end up in praise for who He is. The emphasis on memory, both here and again in vs. 11, is at the heart of biblical faith. Because God had chosen to reveal Himself in the context of human experience and because He had shown Himself to be utterly consistent, the primary way to come to know Him was through reflecting on what He had said and done in the context of that experience."

—John Oswalt

Now, we have a record of that experience as Scripture. Still, God reveals Himself in the manifestations of His character into our experiences and those 'God sightings' correspond to the revealed truth of Scripture!

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