Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Grace worked out in the real world. The pastor/flock relationship.

In prep for this Sunday's sermon on Galatians 4.1-20 I was struck by how Paul's "real life" relationship with the churches in Galatia provide the field of application for all the great theology of the book. Simple though I know, but still in light of the opening verses of the chapter it is in a pastor/flock relationship, in the church, that the Trinity's adoption of us is experienced. When we commit to a local body and the structure the Lord has given to His church, we fully know how much He loves and provides for us. It is my opportunity as a shepherd to provide Jesus' care and a congregation member's opportunity to receive from Jesus. That reality makes it almost depressing when, in our consumer society, people bounce around from church to church and thus do not experience the fullness of body life that Jesus intends. Likewise it is sad when pastor act as ranchers and managers in the body and deprive Jesus' intent for the flock…there is another reason why Scripture refers to pastors as shepherds.

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