Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent Devotions

To facilitate our discussion this Advent on the incarnation, posted thoughts on this blog will hopefully encourage discussion together and your personal prayerful meditation.

Throughout these posts I will suggest that you take the time to listen, adore and cooperate with Jesus. To listen, take the time to “be still and know He is God.” Also, because God has spoken to us in His Word, when we read Scripture we are listening to Him! To adore we worship and love Jesus will all that we are. To cooperate is to recognize that He leads us and we follow; that He does the good things in and through us as we abide in Him—as it says above in the description of this blog.

Please add your comments to each post so “iron can sharpen iron”!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Another Implication of the World System

Political discussion regarding the election loss for Republicans focuses on Palin being a drag on the ticket. However, because of her evangelical faith I would like to suggest another reason: the “world system” hates Christians because they hate Jesus (see John 14-17).

To an article on the (follow the link above) I responded with the following:

“At issue is not wither Palin could manage a coalition; it is not an inherent impossibility for a conservative (even a religious one). The issue is wither the liberal media would allow it. They clearly will not because the American left is petrified of a conservative Christian. As the media controls public option, Palin now rests in the company of Dan Quayle.”